Two inspiring training weeks on education material prepared by European WINTEX partners over the last months were held in UPC, Terrassa. On these days, 9 Tunisian partners from ISET of Ksar-Hellal, ISMMM, and USF were receptors of several series of workshops and lessons as Capacity Building activity organised to the Tunisian partners of the consortium.

During the first week, the taught content was about the last advances and updates about several processes within the textile value chain. Specifically, the last trends on knitting, composite textile materials, protective textiles, non-woven and braiding production, and intelligent textiles were exposed.

The second week focused about textile sector opportunities and challenges. In this case, the most relevant topics that emerged during the sessions were the sustainability in the sector, market opportunities and the competitiveness of the sector within a globalised world.

Next partnership activity will take place in Tunisia, in November. Once there, all partners will discuss about the general advances and progress of the project.