On October 16th, a webinar of WINTEX project was held. The webinar gathered more than 30 people and it was successful. It was framed within the #ErasmusDays2020 to promote ongoing activities across Europe. The event began with Mònica Ardanuy, from UPC, Coordinator of...
WINTEX project is organizing a webinar on October 16th 2020 to celebrate the #ErasmusDays 2020. The webinar will include an overview of the project main completed activities and next activities with focus on Tunisian innovation centers that will be created. The...
On July 22nd, WINTEX partners met for the second project meeting, this time, via teleconference to continue with the different planned activities. The aim of the project is to stablish a collaboration between the participating European organizations and the ones...
WINTEX released its 1st newsletter with the aim to present the project and its progress. It also presents latest news on developed and ongoing activities as well as some information about the current status of the project. WINTEX 1st Newsletter (645 downloads)...
The WINTEX team from Tunisia held a virtual meeting with CEDECS and UPC to follow up the progress of the different tasks from WP1 and to review the equipment selection for the different centers. Despite the current situation with several of the partners working...